MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: [Henvendelse#2012121010000061] RE: Co-operation X-Powered-BY: OTRS - Open Ticket Request System (http://otrs.org/) X-Mailer: OTRS Mail Service (3.1.3) Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 17:20:03 +0100 Precedence: bulk X-Loop: yes Auto-Submitted: auto-generated Message-ID: <1355156403.169307.556962013.760.1@kontor.atlasfloradanica.dk> To: Vitaly Yasinsky Organization: Dansk Botanisk Forening From: Dansk Botanisk Forening In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------=_1355156403-18773-0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1355156403-18773-0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable K=C3=A6re=20 Vitaly Yasinsky Vi har modtaget din mail, og vender tilbage hurtigst muligt. Med venlig hilsen Dansk Botanisk Forening --- > The Christmas is drawing near! >=20 > While other printers hesitate to accept more orders being fully charged, = ETRA > printing > company is open to assist you with "burning" projects of passing 2012. >=20 > Special offer for Christmas orders 10% Discount for any order you make wi= thin > this > year. >=20 > Do not reject the idea of selling your books or magazines during the Chri= stmas > sales, > we do not owe time machine, but there's still some time left. >=20 > Ask for samples or references. > Questions? Inquiries? Orders? - > I am at your service: >=20 > Vitaly Yasinsky > Project Manager > "ETRA" Printing House > Cell ph.: +371 27526899 > Skype: Etra_print > Etra.lv ------------=_1355156403-18773-0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kære Vitaly Yasinsky

Vi har modtaget din mail, og vender tilbage hurtigst muligt.

Med venlig hilsen

Dansk Botanisk Forening

The Christmas is drawing near!

While other printers hesitate to accept more orders being fully charged, ETRA printing
company is open to assist you with "burning" projects of passing 2012.

Special offer for Christmas orders 10% Discount for any order you make within this

Do not reject the idea of selling your books or magazines during the Christmas sales,
we do not owe time machine, but there's still some time left.

Ask for samples or references.
Questions? Inquiries? Orders? -
I am at your service:

Vitaly Yasinsky
Project Manager
"ETRA" Printing House
Cell ph.: +371 27526899
Skype: Etra_print