MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: [Henvendelse#2012082110000021] RE: Timer X-Powered-BY: OTRS - Open Ticket Request System (http://otrs.org/) X-Mailer: OTRS Mail Service (3.1.3) Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:40:03 +0200 Precedence: bulk X-Loop: yes Auto-Submitted: auto-generated Message-ID: <1345542003.603066.287500802.266.1@kontor.atlasfloradanica.dk> To: Christine Thestesen Organization: Dansk Botanisk Forening From: Dansk Botanisk Forening In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------=_1345542003-30930-0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_1345542003-30930-0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable K=C3=A6re=20 Christine Thestesen Vi har modtaget din mail, og vender tilbage hurtigst muligt. Med venlig hilsen Dansk Botanisk Forening --- > Hej Winnie >=20 > H=C3=A5ber at du har haft en god sommerferie. > Vil sende dine timer til mig senest mandag d. 27/8? >=20 > Kind regards/Venlig hilsen > Christine Thestesen >=20 > G=C3=B8bel & Thorsen Services ApS > Bagsv=C3=A6rd Hovedgade 141, 2.th. > DK - 2880 Bagsv=C3=A6rd >=20 > Dir.Phone: +45 44 37 77 06 > Phone: +45 44 44 88 01 > Fax: +45 44 44 86 01 > E-mail: ctt@goebel.dk >=20 > [1]www.goebel.dk<[2]http://www.goebel.dk/> >=20 > ______________________________________________________________________ > This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. > For more information please visit [3]http://www.symanteccloud.com > ______________________________________________________________________ [1] http://www.goebel.dk [2] http://www.goebel.dk/ [3] http://www.symanteccloud.com ------------=_1345542003-30930-0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Kære Christine Thestesen
Vi har modtaget din mail, og vender tilbage hurtigst muligt.

= Med venlig hilsen

Dansk Botanisk Forening

Hej Winnie

H=C3=A5ber at du har haft en god sommerferie.
Vil sende dine timer til mig senest mandag d. 27/8?

Kind regards/Venlig hilsen
Christine Thestesen

G=C3=B8bel & Thorsen Services ApS
Bagsv=C3=A6rd Hovedgade 141, 2.th.
DK - 2880 Bagsv=C3=A6rd

Dir.Phone: +45 44 37 77 06
Phone: +45 44 44 88 01
Fax: +45 44 44 86 01
E-mail: ctt@goebel.dk<mailto:ctt@goebel.dk>

www.goebel.= dk<http://www.goebel.dk/>

This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com
______________________________________________________________________= ------------=_1345542003-30930-0--